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Earn money from coin market, its easy and its also diffcult

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If you ask me what the most popular investment is, I'm sure to answer it, digital money. This year, the digital currency has been continuously fermenting, and when we sell it, we find that its price has been increasing.
Why do you choose to hold digital money? Maybe some people will answer, I like this project or application, but in fact, 90% of them are just for profit, for money. As for what application, in fact, it really can not be used for us. Of course, YOURS is a circulation channel for BCH, which is good.
Since it is to earn money, when to buy and when to sell it has become the most concerned problem. I have seen many analysis articles, such as price trend and so on.
The most uncontrollable factor of digital money is the lack of supervision. So a little news can cause explosive effects. If there's a message that Bill Gates will invest 2 billion in yours, do you think the price of BCH will go up? I'm sure there will be fluctuations. So what if it's changed to steemit? Then I think the price of steemit will be doubled.
Aside from technical analysis, in fact, information is the catalyst for the digital money market. Whoever can master the latest information can be like a fish in the water.
Since last year, there are more and more people who know digital money and invest, and I don't know if they earn money. I only know that I earn money from it, but not much. I bought 10 thousand dash in 16 years, and then it took 4000$. How much would it be if I held it now? Unfortunately, the private key was lost, so the 10 thousand dash was lost forever.
We always say to ourselves, if I didn't sell it at the time, in fact, you might not feel much when you doubled the income. But what if it is 5 times the profit? I don't think anyone will be able to bear 100 times the profit and not sell it.
Now, we find that any digital currency is speculating, and there will be a big crocodile. In terms of the time span, the price of almost all digital currencies has risen more than 1 times in recent months.
If you haven't earned money in this market now, I think the reason is only 2.
1. frequent transactions
2. lack of patience
If you choose a digital currency, hold it when the condition is allowed.
One possible reason is that the money used to invest in digital money has to be taken out for live.

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